How to Download FTR Recordings

Article author
Denise Torraco
  • Updated


Below is a job aid which will direct anyone who is interested on how to download an FTR (“For The Record”) audio/video recording.  For attorneys, self-represented litigants, journalists, and members of the public – this is the fastest way to access a court record.

  1. You must use the Google Chrome internet browser.
  2. Add the Audio Downloader Prime extension to Chrome. See the below picture.


  3. Go to FTR website and login.
  4. Click “Play” on the FTR you want to download.
  5. You’ll arrive at the screen where you can play the audio on the FTR website.
  6. The Audio Downloader Prime extension should pick up the audio (it may take a few seconds) and let you download it. Click the download icon in Audio Downloader Prime.  For larger files, it may take a bit for the download to begin and complete.  See the below picture (with added red circling).


  7. The audio file will appear in the downloads folder on your computer.
  8. Sometimes FTRs contains ‘breaks’ in the audio. If this happens, you’ll need to download each part separately.  To do so, you need to go to each part of the audio on the FTR website so Audio Downloader Prime picks up each part.  You should see the ‘break’, the FTR website playing the second part of the audio file, and Audio Downloader Prime picking up each part of the FTR.  See the below picture (with added red circling).


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