The attorney who hired you is on maternity/paternity leave and you have a Vbill that needs approval.
In this instance the Accounts Payable policy is to have the attorney's supervisor approve the Vbill. It will need to be returned to Work in Progress to change the attorney name.
- Email vendorbills@publiccounsel.net with the Vbill ID and request that the Vbill be returned to Work in Progress.
- If you do not know the attorney's supervisor, request this information in the same email.
- From the Vbill returned to Work in Progress, change the attorney name.
- If possible, add a note to the Vbill explaining the situation (maternity/paternity leave of 'Attorney X').
- Resubmit the Vbill. DO NOT start a new bill.
If there is a delay or problem having the supervising attorney approve the bill, email vendorbills@publiccounsel.net.
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