I don’t have all the paperwork I need to mail my Vbill for processing, what should I do?

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While it is best practice that you ensure the attorney has secured an allowed motion for funds before accepting a job, sometimes vendors have work to bill without having obtained a copy of all of the pages of the allowed motion for funds.

If prior to completing the work you did not receive a copy of the allowed motion or if the allowed motion is exhausted you must submit the bill timely for the services rendered. Although the bill cannot be paid without an allowed motion, failure to submit the Vbill in a timely manner due to lack of motion will result in reduction or denial of payment pursuant to the statute.

Submitting a Vbill is NOT the same as mailing the required documents; it is accomplished online in your Vbill account.

  1. Click 'Review & Submit'


  2. Click 'Submit'. Click the 'OK' button on any pop up boxes.


  3. This will move your Vbill from Work in Progress to Pending. Once you receive all required documents, mail these and your signed Vbill to CPCS for processing and payment.

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