Non-compensable Activities for Attorneys and Vendors

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Certain activities are non-compensable and should not be billed. The lists below are neither exhaustive nor exclusive:

  • Attorneys

    Attorneys may not bill for routine law office administrative or managerial tasks, nor can they bill for routine case administration tasks. (See also Assigned Counsel Manual: Item Z, Office-Related Expenses) Routine law office or case administrative tasks include, but are not limited to, the following examples:

    1. Time spent keeping time records, filling out billing forms, or submitting bills
    2. Notifying clients and/or courts of a change of address for your law office
    3. Activities considered to be legal training or education
    4. Notifying court or other entities that you are not certified to accept an assignment or time spent obtaining, correcting or amending a NAC
    5. Time spent performing secretarial or clerical functions
    6. The administrative task of creating and closing files

    (Reference: Assigned Counsel Manual, page 387)

  • Court Cost Vendors

    Vendors may not bill for routine case or office administrative/managerial tasks. Routine office or case administrative tasks include, but are not limited to, the following examples:

    1. Time spent keeping time records, handling billing issues, or submitting bills
    2. Activities considered to be training or education
    3. Time spent performing secretarial and/or clerical functions
    4. The administrative task of opening and closing files

    (Reference: Court Cost Vendor Manual, page 9)

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