Certain activities are non-compensable and should not be billed. The lists below are neither exhaustive nor exclusive:
Attorneys may not bill for routine law office administrative or managerial tasks, nor can they bill for routine case administration tasks. (See also Assigned Counsel Manual: Item Z, Office-Related Expenses) Routine law office or case administrative tasks include, but are not limited to, the following examples:
- Time spent keeping time records, filling out billing forms, or submitting bills
- Notifying clients and/or courts of a change of address for your law office
- Activities considered to be legal training or education
- Notifying court or other entities that you are not certified to accept an assignment or time spent obtaining, correcting or amending a NAC
- Time spent performing secretarial or clerical functions
- The administrative task of creating and closing files
(Reference: Assigned Counsel Manual, page 387)
Court Cost Vendors
Vendors may not bill for routine case or office administrative/managerial tasks. Routine office or case administrative tasks include, but are not limited to, the following examples:
- Time spent keeping time records, handling billing issues, or submitting bills
- Activities considered to be training or education
- Time spent performing secretarial and/or clerical functions
- The administrative task of opening and closing files
(Reference: Court Cost Vendor Manual, page 9)
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