Time Increments for Billing

Article author
Urmila Plakkat
  • Updated

When billing, time must be entered in tenth-hour increments. This means rounding the amount of time actually spent working as recorded in the attorney’s or vendor's contemporaneous time records, in keeping with (b) below to the nearest tenth of an hour. You may not automatically round each separate task up to the next tenth-hour.

For example:

  1. If you spend 5 minutes on a case, you may bill .1 hours. If you spend 8 minutes on a case, you may still bill only .1 hours.
  2. If you spend 8 minutes investigating a case, and 13 minutes interviewing a client, you may bill .1 hours for investigation and .2 hours for client interview.
  3. If you make four 3-minute telephone calls, you may bill a total of .2 hours. You may not bill .1 hours for each of the four separate telephone calls.
  4. If you perform only one task during the entire day for all your CPCS cases you may round this one task to a tenth-hour. For example, if you make only one 3-minute phone call and perform no other services on behalf of any CPCS clients the rest of the day, then you can bill .1 hours for that one telephone call.

However, if you make a second 3-minute phone call on another CPCS client later in the day, you may not bill more than the original .1 hours. The combined time it takes to perform all tasks for CPCS clients in one day should be rounded to the nearest tenth-hour and billed accordingly.

Increment Time equivalent Increment Time equivalent
0.1 6 min 0.6 36 min
0.2 12 min 0.7 42 min
0.3 18 min 0.8 48 min
0.4 24 min 0.9 54 min
0.5 30 min 1.0 60 min

Effectively, the minutes spent working are divided by 60 min. Example:  8 min/60 min = 0.13 hours, which rounded to nearest tenth, is 0.1 hours.

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