Photocopies and postage for direct case related expenses that are incurred 'in-house' are reimbursable. Proof of payment is not required for in-house postage and in-house photocopy expenses. However you must indicate on the Voucher Confirmation page that these types of expenses are in-house expenses.
- Create an 'Other' voucher in Ebill
- For the 'Type' of expense, select 'Misc'
- Select 'Other Type' and then select 'In House Postage/In House Copies' as appropriate
- For copies, the rate is $0.10/page; units are the number of copies
You may enter multiple lines for the 'Misc' type.
CPCS allows the submission of one Other out-of-pocket expense voucher per Type, per NAC, per Calendar Month, irrespective of when the expense was incurred.
'Other' type vouchers are subject to the same billing deadlines as legal services bills. For additional information, please review the Ebill manual.
E-bill vouchers for out-of-pocket expenses that total $50 or less do not need to be mailed to CPCS for payment consideration. However, they should be printed, signed and maintained in the case file with receipts and proof of payment attached.
E-bill vouchers for out-of-pocket expenses that total more than $50, must be printed, signed and mailed to CPCS with receipts and proof of payment attached in order to be considered for payment. A copy should be retained for your records
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