Vbill - Privately Retained Attorney

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The majority of attorneys who engage an expert/investigator or other Court Cost vendor for their services are able to electronically review and approve the work. Privately retained attorneys (paid by someone other than CPCS ) as well as pro bono and students are also billed in Vbill;  however the attorney is not able to electronically approve the bill.

Prior to choosing 'Privately Retained' as the attorney type when beginning a Vbill, please ensure that the attorney does NOT have a NAC number or is not employed by CPCS. Choosing the incorrect attorney type will delay processing of your bill.

If an attorney does not have a NAC number and is NOT employed by CPCS, then they fall into one of the preceding categories; the electronic approval mechanism is not available. The vendor/expert will need to provide their signed Vbill to the attorney to physically review and sign off on the work performed.

The most common process is for the vendor to print/sign/date the Vbill and send it, along with all required documents, to the attorney to review and sign. After the attorney completes this they will then forward to CPCS.

CPCS requires original ink signatures from both the vendor and the attorney. To prevent delay of processing, please ensure that this requirement is met.

Attorneys: If you receive a Vbill to sign and the representation type is incorrect (e.g. 'Privately Retained' or 'pro bono'), please do not sign. This will only delay processing. Indicate to the vendor that the representation type is incorrect and have them contact vendorbills@publiccounsel.net for further instruction.

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