Avoiding these common errors will ensure a timely and accurate set-up or update of your business in the state's vendor system
- Tax ID Number (TIN) discrepancies between forms
- Example: Using your SSN on one form and your EIN on another
- Example: You are currently set up in the state's system under your SSN but you submitted forms with an EIN
- If you're looking to change your TIN, please reach out to vendorinfo@publiccounsel.net for additional guidance before submitting your form.
- Incorrect or missing address information
- Examples: Missing zip code, incorrect street number, etc.
- Incorrect company name
- Example: The EIN given is not assigned to the name of the company given on the forms
- Incorrect or missing digits in bank account details
- Example: Routing number does not match the bank listed on the forms
**Please ensure that both the routing number and account number on all of your forms match the attached voided check or bank letter in its entirety**
- Example: Routing number does not match the bank listed on the forms
- Omitting old bank account details on EFT update forms
- The Comptroller will not accept your EFT update without this information
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