Individual (Sole Vendor) providing multiple services to CPCS

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Review the following information before filling out the application.

  • All the required fields will have an asterisk (*). 
  • After you start the application, select “I’M APPLYING AS AN INDIVIDUAL” and select “NO” for “DO YOU HAVE A PRIMARY EMPLOYER?”


  • If you provide that specific service in collaboration with other companies that are CPCS approved vendors, please contact them and ask for their Employer Identification Number (EIN).  Only add the EINs for each specific service type. For example, the application you are completing is for Private Investigator (PI) services, and you collaborate with other PI companies, you will need to enter their EINs.
    1. Once you have that information, click on Add Company (A.)


2. Enter the EIN (B.) If there are additional companies, click on the Add Company plus sign (C.)


  • You must only add the EINs for each specific service as it relates to each specific application. As an example, you provide both PI services and social work services as an individual for two different employers/companies. Therefore, when you complete your application for PI services, only enter the EIN(s) for the PI employer(s)/company(s) for which you provide services (either as a contractor or employee.) Similarly, only enter the EIN(s) for the social work services when you complete your application as an individual providing social work services for your social services employer(s)/company(s).
  • Enter your Vendor Code (VC). If you do not have your VC, please click on this linked article for details: How Do I Locate My Vendor Code?

For the following question, “DO YOU CURRENTLY PROVIDE SERVICES TO THE COMMONWEALTH?” if you provide services for other Commonwealth departments/agencies besides CPCS, select “YES.”

Only one application can be submitted at a time. Once the application is approved (you will receive a Welcome Letter in the CPCS Vendor Portal and email), you can submit an additional application within your CPCS Vendor account for your additional service offering.

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