Determining Your Business Type

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After creating a profile and selecting the service type, please review the following before starting the application.

You can apply either as an individual or as a business entity.  Below are the different setup scenarios. Click on the links for additional information. 

  1. Individual (Sole Vendor) providing a single service to CPCS. You are registered with the IRS with your Social Security number not an Employer Identification number (EIN.)
      • Example 1: I just provide private investigator services to CPCS as an individual.
      • Example 2: I just provide private investigator services to CPCS as an individual but I also work (as an employee or contractor) for a company that provides private investigator services to CPCS.
  2. Individual (Sole Vendor) providing multiple services to CPCS. You are registered with the IRS with your Social Security number not an EIN.
      • Example 1: I am an attorney that is part of a private bar program/panel but I also  provide social services to CPCS as an individual.
      • Example 2: I provide social worker and private investigator services to CPCS as an individual.
  3. Employee/Contractor providing a service for an Employer that provides services to CPCS. Your employer invoices CPCS for these services.
      • Example: I work for a company (as an employee or contractor) that provides services to CPCS. For example, I’m an investigator who works for an investigative firm that is not my own organization/company. I provide services to CPCS on behalf of my employer.
  4. Employee/Contractor providing multiple services for an Employer that provides these services to CPCS. Your employer invoices CPCS for these services.
      • Example: I am a Computer Forensics and also a Cell Phone expert for a company that provides CPCS services. For example, I’m a forensics expert who works for a consulting firm that is not my own organization/company. I provide services to CPCS on behalf of my employer.
  5. Business Entity (Company) with multiple employees providing a single service to CPCS.
      • Example: My company provides private investigator services with either one (self) or more employees. These services to CPCS are invoiced as a Company and my company has an EIN.
  6. Business Entity (Company) with multiple employees providing multiple services to CPCS.
      • Example: My company provides both social worker and psychology services with either one (self) or more employees. These services to CPCS are invoiced as a Company and my company has an EIN.

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